CAMERAS THAT USED ENSIGN 2E/E29/EC29 and KODAK 129 ROLL FILMS 2"X3" (5X7,5X7.5,5X8cms)


The picture above is of an Ensign 'E29' box camera that sold in the U.K., before WWII , complete with two 6 exposure films for Pounds Sterling 0.275. Since each film alone retailed for 7.5 pence it must have been a bargain! It is rare as in almost 5 years of collecting I have only encountered two examples and I bought both of them. Its two part construction is very similar to that of other box cameras , most notably the Kodak Box Brownies.
Other 'E29' box cameras were made. The most commonly found type is the 'tall' blue one piece model that has provision for a clip on Portrait Lens. Such cameras are frequently seen at Camera Fairs and feature regularly on e-bay. They often come together with original shipping carton and user instructions etc. They were much used in Sales Promotions as 'Free Gifts' in the 1930's.
A further one piece model in black , the 'E29 Portrait Camera' with built in Portrait Lens and a pull out open wire frame viewfinder is less common. It could be set to take 'Views' or 'Portraits' by turning a silver coloured knob on the front.
Another black one piece model had no portrait lens provision of any kind and examples appear on the market less often than is the case for other 'tall' models.

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